Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ostrich Pillow Designs

Ostrich Pillow is designed for use in his sleep at his desk. The shape is weird.
In your office, there is no convenient place to sleep during the lunch break? Andthere is no other choice but to sleep on the desk? Although uncomfortable to sleepon the table. That made this tool.
Kawamura-Ganjavian, design studio from Madrid, Spain to create a solution thatOstrich pillow.
Strauss is the English language means "ostrich". Why a bouquet? As the body isshaped like an ostrich.
This pillow is designed cavities. How to use it as wearing a helmet. Our head isinserted into the hole. The right side is also a hole where lay his left hand.
There was no explanation why the pillow is designed in that way. But like Ubergizmowritten, he said the pillow was comfortable to use. But users can breath or not, right?

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