Sunday, January 22, 2012

Children's Play Space Design

Playground that actually can occur in the home. In fact, a small house not once, can accommodate your child's games.The agenda for the first time in designing a playroom for your child is adjusting to the needs of the child's room. For example, children under five years of age (children) who want the space for a more comfortable and uncomplicated.If you have young children, parents should not build a townhouse. The soil should not use material that has a slippery surface. Understandably, usually children under five years likes to move, although the course is still unstable. "Furnishing the house also does not need people. 

So baby can still move freely.To add a fun environment, you can paint the walls of the nursery with bright colors like red, pink, green, yellow or orange. Ria atmosphere occurs if there are more photos of favorite cartoons of children on the wall. So, although minimal furnishings, the room where children play still looks attractive.If you have trouble choosing the right design, serving recipes M. Zaenal Abidin, PT Pavilion Architect 95. He said, echoes the idea of ​​playing the normal course of visiting the child, such as kindergartens, nurseries, schools or take the concept of nature. But remember, comfort and safety of the child should not be overlooked.To create a comfort, you should notice is the air temperature in the room. You know, if your child is playing, his movement is very fast, very fast for child's sweat. If possible, install air conditioning (AC) in the games room, with temperatures around 20 degrees to 28 degrees Celsius. The temperature was quite comfortable for your child to move ahead and sleep.

If you can not install the air conditioner, keep the play area was open space.You can make use of plants normally found in front of the house. Add a few feet of grass that is used as the basis for small-type game. Do not forget, a fish pond is also the main attraction. 

However, the pool was not too deep, so as not to endanger the child.Although small house, you can still have a game room for the baby. You can combine a family room with room to play. You can add goodies typical children. In this way? there are advantages too, because you can chat with your family and your child can play hard.Safety, children's play area should not have a wall or partition that separates the other room. This applies to the play area within the home or outside the home. The aim is that parents or caregivers can monitor your baby with ease.

Children's Play Space 

Design Tables and Chairs Child

Children will be happy with your service again and beautiful design of the chair and at first sight. Perfect design and color inspiration also lead children to their creativityand pour in the form of artistic expression such as drawing, painting or other forms of creativity.

It is very difficult for children to do their homework in every place that is unstable or sit on the floor so that every time you sit down to do homework to his / her they need a stable place for him so the chair children do best desktop of children. children's chairs are very popular and are in s many colors, designs and sizes to choose one that is best for your child. You can clean the tables and chairs for children.

This desk drawer that hides part of the back seat where it can be useful paper inserted here. tables and chairs can come together, forming a box with a good colorcombination, green, orange and brown.

Tables and Chairs Child

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Simple, Clean, and Comportable

The initial design concept of this house starts from the desire that the homeowner elects to be considered in terms of ease of maintenance, a good wind circulationand optimum natural lighting, so efficient energy. Due to busy work schedules and the inhabitants of a very dense, the architects tried to choose a modern and contemporary design is minimalist, simple and clean, but still has the character of adwelling house comfort.
Design on a surface of 200m ² total systematic design makes the space createdpenghunimya optimized for still meet the needs of a family with two children.Contemporary tropical inspired design criteria to meet those needs. The spaces formed by opening both horizontally and vertically, with a touch of play materials and colors.
Curvature curve is shown as a form of compensation in the form of the outside, but still has a unit, thus dynamically adapting the contemporary tropical roof which eliminated one of the sides. Formed with a playroom in a variety of attractive shapes, such as the ladder is designed to follow the curves and area lakes made ​​of glass blocks as optimum illumination of the afternoon, being in a narrow back porcharea, created by closing the top and skylights made ​​shadingnya, creating shadow lines of interest.

Kids Bathroom Design By Laufen

Ideal for use in nurseries, parks and school children, the bathroom was a small child.Results imaginative, colorful and fun, from design Laufen.Bentuk rounded, the colorsare bold and the influence of fairy tales about animals and plants that give a sense of fantasy. It also creates the perfect environment for children in learningkebersihan.Intinya is a sink basin with fragrant flowers, available in white, red or green. This range also features a ceramic frame, as a small cloud which can be used to complement wastafe.

Mirror mirror flower designs available in red or green caterpillars with a design of mirrors where the mirror is aligned in series to form a cocoon lucu.Dirancangspecifically for children, WCS florakids ergonomic design has no sharp edges or corners. 
Chairs, available in white, red or green, which is smaller in diameter and has the support so that children are not afraid to fall. Ergonomic chair also allowschildren to understand the condition of the bathrooms in the left and right seats. The sink is also child friendly toilet.

 Kids Bathroom

Friday, January 20, 2012

Simple Kitchen Design

The houses in the residential standards and are moving into the kitchen in the house plans. Generally, where the kitchen was enough to satisfy the architectural design strand.

Some are putting the kitchen in the front, directly related to outer space. This place was chosen in order to better penghawaan in the kitchen. There is also a place near the dining room. These efforts, among others, for the sake of the efficiency of the circulation between the kitchen with dining area.
Although the situation had been fitted, unfortunately, do not have a kitchen set.Maximus, the developers just do a simple table with sinks for washing dishes. At worst, in the kitchen that there was nothing more than tap water as the location of the markers will sink.

The design of a kitchen set

No need to worry when they discover their new home empty kitchen. That's not a nightmare. It is precisely these conditions that will allow you to create a kitchen set to taste.
It is not difficult to design the kitchen set. You can also design your own. What is important in the design of the role and needs your attention.
Example, if you like cooking, the time spent in the kitchen? When cooking, what equipment is needed? How does the model work there?

The answers to these questions can be combined with various other needs. If you like girl talk while cooking, this activity should be enclosed with a fence, and the lounge bar.

"Maybe we can make a cozy triangle of activity in the whole kitchen area," said Andirini, an architect. Activity triangle is the activity of the preparation, cooking, washing. All three of these activities should be carried out together.

Cool cooked gently Penghawaan

Because it is fire, gases, odors, and an eye sore, the kitchen needs good ventilation. Ventilation Keberaaan very important, especially for the safety factor. If there was a gas leak, the gas can be directly discharged into the atmosphere, thus minimizing the possibility of catastrophic fires.
Ventilation air also serves to update the kitchen. Imagine what would happen if the smell and smoke filled the kitchen and broke into another space. The kitchen and adjacent airspace contaminated automatically, so it's not cool.
To solve this problem, place adequate ventilation for air flow to the outdoor kitchen.If making the vents is not possible, we can add a suction fan. Whether on a wall or ceiling, it is important fan can suck air from the dirty kitchen.
Other measures to reduce air pollution in the kitchen is to add cookerhood above the stove area. The function of the tool to suck the smoke and reduce the smell during the cooking process. More suitable mounted in a kitchen that is not directly related to outer space.

Design an adequate

Kitchen utensils are usually made to clean the kitchen works. Indonesia middle class who now have an average of two kitchens at home. They call it a dry kitchen and dirty kitchen.
Dry kitchen pantry is often called. Generally found in the inner room and is rarely used. The average is used for heating or cooking light meals.
Dirty kitchen space is usually placed in a little hidden, not easily visible. In the kitchen is very clean as well, the last activity causing smoke and strong odors that sometimes cooking odors.
Set of kitchen design we see in magazines and showrooms can be tempting. But not all designs can be applied directly to an empty kitchen at home. If space is limited, forget the game that has an island kitchen table. Instead, select Kichen set of simple model I or L.

These features should be available in the kitchen set? Depends beberpa things, such as the amount of furniture that is used. The subject of this furniture, there must be a minimum of work stove, sink, and a desk. The number of storage cabinets can be adjusted by the number of kitchen utensils and lots of food. If the calculation of total demand is obtained, making a kitchen set to taste. The simplest design can also get cheaper manufacturing cost.